The Force:
- When you are guarding the person with the disk, establish the direction you will allow them to throw by orienting your body to stop them from throwing in one direction, leaving the other direction open.
- Forcing home means you are forcing them to only throw it to the home side, not allowing any throws up field to the away side. Forcing away is the opposite.
- There are a few different ways to force that change depending on various situations
Hard Mark:
The standard mark that should be used almost always. The objective is the cut off any and all throws to one side of the field. Stay mainly on your man’s hip, orienting your body perpendicular to his, and move your feet with him as he pivots. Avoid bending at the waist because it is easy to make you overcommit if you do.
Straight Up Mark:
Switch momentarily to a straight up mark when one of the opposing cutters is open deep or someone yells “NO HUCK,” or “Straight Up.” Stand directly in front of your person about 3 feet away from them and cut off any deep throws. A good huck requires a small windup, and that will give you time to interfere.
No Strike:
When a dump cutter makes a good scorch cut, frequently the defender who got beat will yell “NO STRIKE.” When you hear this you momentarily (1-2 stalls max) switch to a straight up force giving up everything backfield and to the side, but not allowing the dangerous up field throw.
Guarding a Cutter:
- If the handler is forcing a particular direction, be between the person you are marking and the open/vulnerable side of the field. For example, if the handler is forcing home, you need to be on the home side of your man.
- Also notice where you are on the field in relation to the disk. If you are marking the person furthest away from the disk, stay a little behind him to help cover deep. If you are on the person closest to the disk, stay more in front of him so he doesn’t get open as easily. If he cuts deep and you can’t keep up with him, call for help
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